Thursday 14 March 2013

The America Once a Land of Dream come True and now! Whats gone Wrong? The Crises in City of Detroit USA! Wake up Call to all US Citizens and Americans !

While US has sent more armies around the world conquests with billions of budgets on the war never going to be won. the inside enemy is even more terrorising than the so called imaginary ones. And that is the economical crises in part of US. Once with populated areas beautiful houses with children playing in the porch and front garden. giggles and laughter's where all around. Now turned into Wreckage. If you have look on the current picture of City of Detroit you will get the idea. Its even worst than the houses you might seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Few are saying its coz of the corrupted politicians and X mayor of the Detroit City which is going under the judicial enquiry now for the fraud, kick backs on city contracts and racketeering. 

But we must look on the broader spectrum and waste context. I remember back in early 2000 I have seen the Documentary of Micheal Moore The SICKO then he was criticised massively by US civil society and even Banned to present his documentaries people under 18+. But after a decade the news break about the current situation of the City of Detroit really made me think to spread the world to the Humans suffering in that developed part of world. Do the Americans know whats killing the slowly and continuously pushing them to the verge of falling apart. 

Are they aware of the enemy which is among them ruling them ? Making such policies and propagating something by which US citizens would be least bothered with, rather than living a good life an American Dream !

The things if not taken care and people if they keep on ignoring and not raising their voices, not asking questions from those who they have elected as their representatives. How you think a nation of people can survive if they get into habit of keeping on ignoring and bearing all the injustice. 

Take Detroit as an Example people like us used to live their in millions now just in 100 of thousands left. Who is next in line ! Thats your choice people living in US you must raise voices until they hear it and they do something about it. Its not just one country it has to be every where around the world where such misery has been created to let the men suffer and live the life they never deserved.

If Its happened in Detroit City in US imagine who in the world will be safe. We must learn and recollect our selves to bring the bad the corrupt down and support those who are worthy of representation of innocent people.
See this reference to know when it started getting to the what we see now !

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