Friday 29 March 2013

Who Wants to Control us ? An Overview of Knowing the Powers behind the curtain

Who Wants to Control us ?

The world we see today is what they (the international players and actors) wants us to see and know. The Global Financial and Economical Actors are buying everything around the world that can change the whole face of the world. The wealth and resources scattered around the world, these actors and forces are trying to get hold of. Whether in the Far East or in North America, where there is a stock pile of resources, these actors try and control it on any cost they want. They know what we need and how they can control us. They know better about an Irish sitting in the Pub of London and enjoying his Cider than his life. They know the masses packed in the region of India and Bangladesh then their own Governments do. 

The West and Europe did succeeded to give proper human values and rights but at the cost of their Freedom because they know the needs of their people. They have the right to blow whistle but only at a certain a level. There is clear limit in the volume of raising voices then they make it silent with the fear of work and facilities  People get busy and worried keep their homes and girlfriends rather than to keep their rights. 

Not much difference is the situation is in USA, I have friends who really know less about the decision their leaders are making in their own country like America. All they are bothered is with what they are fed with like their earnings to meet their mortgages and buy their groceries so they live happily. But in civilised prison. Do they really get to enjoy their rights ? Yes but only to the point they are not questioning the policies of States. And if they start to get awareness they fed with terrorism and war. The war that got nothing to do with the person who is having a farm in Texas. These are few examples they feed us in almost every regions whether its in ASIA, America or Europe. They do this every where. Recently you must have heard about a Stealth Nuke bombing evasion rehearsal to counter Korean Region. Did any one asked why all that is happening ? While already having many remote wars in line in Iraq, Afghanistan and South African region now USA is planning to start another one with Koreans  They will fed us many reasons and make us feel feared and they will eventually justify their war as they always did and after a decade we will know the reality of all the planned and imposed wars. Those are all the resources of US citizens and foreigners. The Tax money that US citizens pay to have a welfare and peace in their life, is been used for wars those could have been resolved without hurt even a fly but they kill thousands of soldiers, civilians hence Humans every quarter of the year by feeding us their side of story and well justified that we cant even try to dig deeper or we get to busy with our individual lives to ignore whats being imposed in the long run.

All the Greater Governments in the world do these stunts when they need it. They fed people with Fear and keep them in control. Play with their emotions and use their resources which could have been used to give them a better lives to live. 

The Time is Now to start raising our intellects and get aware of all these issues. We must not let them control our lives which is our birth hood right. It might struck you but every thing we see is fabricated the elections the credit crunches and the crises. All these are their gimmicks to fear and control us. Those sitting in the houses fully furnished and cars well luxurious, how would they know the problem of a commoner. 

In South East Asian countries people earn less than a Dollar per day and they are living. Do you think it can not be eradicated when there are so many resources in the world ? YES they can provide for every person on the planet by not even leaving the corner of the street. I avoid to give figures but all the true and free experts in the world know that in this age, we have so much discovered in terms of resources that is more than enough for masses living around on the planet. The Technological advancements and agriculture enhancements have gone so far that now we have enough to share and rejoice but they do not want to let us have our fair share otherwise they wont be able to control us. 

If they do not have such examples in the world how would an American or British will be feared of earning less at their level. The distribution system of wealth is so corrupted that rich is getting richer and poor is at verge of dying with hunger. These examples can be seen in the many parts of the world just  have look you will find pictures of small children their who are asking for help. This is just one example its in every part of the world. 

They are doing this to make sure developed regions and the people live their and working for them stay in control, feel bad and feared. Also they need to show that they are also doing some good by spending bits on such projects to satisfy the civil groups and control them.

Start taking control and be aware of all these tactics, Tools and the Greater Game to make this world one controlled World and slaves in a prison. Remember we are all free and freedom is our birth hood right in all ways while observing our liberty and duties in a balance way !

Another Miss Call to awareness in the world !


  1. Everything u mentioned here has no solid evidence to back ur self up... i see things differently .. i see that its not just this era .. history is full of events when one nation tried to control another in the name of glory and empires.... conspiracy theories are available easily online nowadays but that does not mean that they are true.... they come from a uncontrolled medium.... the concept of one world government is a good concept which will help standardize the whole world so there will be not much difference left in america or europe or any other part of the world... The hidden players as u call them def use tactics for their survival .... but thats expected of them ... companies have to be careful of their financial needs and thus they explore other countries and use unethical means to gain resources but thats part of free market capitalism.... The greater game as u call it has always existed between capitalism and socialism .... as the rich would never want to give away money and poor always want more..... There is alot of hidden things happening but shaping them according to a master plan or a game plan .... jeez im not buying that.... ur article was nothing more than a conspiracy theory activist to me.....

  2. Thank you for reading and giving your opinion ! I wish you could see the evidence all around and still samples are there for readers consideration ... As soon I publish a book you will just see the evidences not just information......
